This group included the imperial clans and related clans that could also ascend to the throne.
This could be consistent with a shared common ancestor, or with the hereditary priesthood having originally been founded from members of a single closely related clan.
The festivals of Ayyanars are celebrated in Sacred Groves during spring season by all the related clan.
They were killed by people belonging to their own or related clans, and no blood-feud followed.
They consist of a grouping of five or more geographically related clans, circles, or hearths within a state, province, territory, or country.
He states that until recently, there had been very few inter-marriages between these groups, as Palestinians usually tended to marry within their own clans or related clans.
There are multiple closely related clans in the Indian sub-continent, especially south India.
When a death occurs, related clans and family come together in a religious and social gathering to share their sorrow and to reaffirm the connections between them.
Generally, the higher or related clans have their common church.
This applies to Erakovic and Kilibarda, as well as other related clans.