Throughout 2006 a spate of Hizb ut-Tahrir campaigns and related arrests took place throughout the Arab world.
Although arrested and initially charged in Manchester, the case against Dorschel was transferred to Scotland when related arrests were made there.
Not a single related arrest has been made.
On April 26, 2011, he was dismissed by the Florida Gators football team, due to his second drug related arrest in 3 months.
The police on Thursday made 22-convention related arrests, more than three times the number during the entire Democratic National Convention in Boston.
A spokesman for the district attorney's office would not comment, except to say that investigators expected to make related civilian arrests last night.
Whiten's is the second sexually related arrest of a Yankee over an incident at the Pfister Hotel in eight years.
While [NGO]s reported several potential labor trafficking cases to the government, authorities did not report any related arrests or investigations.
There were also two related arrests in Italy and another in France.
Mohammed was tortured by waterboarding 183 times, and his resultant confessions triggered a series of related arrests shortly thereafter.