The kielbasa aside, they unanimously rejected Polish stereotypes.
They have highly developed senses of justice and fairness, rejecting stereotypes and embracing oddities in their peers, whether a hair style or a disability.
Unfortunately, it hadn't happened because the sergeant was fairminded enough to reject stereotypes; he simply didn't care that someone with the reputation prejudice assigned Bahzell's people had walked into his town.
He also urged Nigerians to reject stereotypes imposed on their country, among which he counted tolerance of human rights abusers, drug traffickers and fraud.
Majorities rejected stereotypes of artists as undisciplined, unfocused or unable to do "an honest day's work," and 84 percent agreed that artists "are highly important to the life of the country."
Reading about nontraditional gender roles help to reject stereotypes based on gender.
The ensemble rejects orchestral stereotypes.
Ms. Carter's retellings of the tales reject cultural stereotypes of the female, especially the pure, passive, brainless and asexual female, in favor of more assertive and sexually adventurous heroines.
In the process of rejecting sexist stereotypes, society has de-emphasized these attributes and fails to present them to young women as a source of satisfaction.
Mr. Staples cites the underlying problem of race relations in the United States - namely, the inability to reject racial stereotypes.