He was appointed commander at Detroit in 1796 and partially redeemed himself by rejecting entreaties to lead a rebellion in the Natchez, Mississippi, area.
"But I recognize that it's logical that a country which has rejected diplomatic entreaties be sent to the United Nations Security Council."
As for his own future, earlier this year he rejected entreaties to succeed Felipe Gonzalez, his close confidant and former boss, as head of Spain's Socialist Party.
Margo Barnes, a Bayer spokeswoman, denied that the company had tried to push for settlement, adding that it had rejected entreaties from plaintiffs' lawyers.
While Dr. Friedman said he saw nothing wrong with such arrangements, other doctors have rejected entreaties from T Medical.
The Government rejected entreaties from the United Nations and opposition leaders in Zaire for peace talks with the rebels, who began their increasingly successful military campaign in October.
A decade ago, Spielberg told me he had rejected entreaties from Warner Bros to direct the first Harry Potter film, The Philosopher's Stone.
He has rejected entreaties to return in time for Christmas, on the ground that he must be in Washington until his term officially ends.
Upon his arrival on August 20, he informed Sullivan, and rejected entreaties that, with their help, the British could be compelled to surrender in just one or two days.
The general tried to cajole Ben into transferring to the army and Ben skillfully rejected entreaties, demands, and commands.