Very little use was made of reinforcing steel, which was scarce at the time.
It was a short, thick piece of reinforcing steel, about a foot long.
The foundation weighs 5850 tons, including 250 tons of reinforcing steel.
Merrill Butler bought 35,000 cubic yards of concrete and 6,000,000 pounds of reinforcing steel.
The materials being considered by engineers like Lindenthal were reinforced concrete, cable, and steel.
Tensile high strain-rate behavior of reinforcing steel from an existing bridge.
This is useful for locating dowel pins or determining if reinforcing steel exists.
They cut up reinforcing steel into lengths and slotted the ends to take flights.
Other steel may be needed to reinforce existing steel at a facility.
An initial design called for a 12-story building, 120 by 150 feet, reinforced concrete, brick, and steel.