The comment also managed to reinforce Gary's opinion not to judge a place like Roanoke too quickly.
The quip is meant to reinforce his opinion that Midwesterners are more direct, less self-centered.
He honestly found Jeran an enchanting child which only reinforced her good opinion of him.
I saw enough during the minicamp to reinforce my opinion that it would be a good move for us to make.
That had irked her a little, especially when Peter had smugly reinforced his mother's opinion.
Hearing this patient's story reinforces his opinion.
However," he continued forcefully, "everything you've done so far has only served to reinforce my original opinion.
It only reinforced my general opinion of humanity.
Religious wars throughout the world have simply reinforced my negative opinion of organised religion.
This can reinforce or change their opinion of the candidate and thus affect voting behaviour.