Critics of the new reimbursement policies say they have become more common in the last 18 months.
But your insurance policy is a reimbursement policy.
Those doctors also say that Medicare's reimbursement policies are responsible.
Beyond the regulatory cases, Beverly and the entire industry, of course, face tremendous uncertainty about federal and state reimbursement policies.
Doctors say the single biggest brake on expansion of carotid stenting is the government's reimbursement policy.
Ironically, Tokos may have pushed its monitor so aggressively because of insurers' reimbursement policies.
A second example refers to the introduction of a new reimbursement policy in mental healthcare in the Netherlands.
He said reimbursement policies varied from state to state and from one insurer to another.
The administration is promoting the use of electronic patient records, common technology standards and reimbursement policies for Medicare that measure quality performance.
Many private insurers are also deciding their reimbursement policies.