In those days they rehearsed once a week, near the small Dutch city of Oss.
Mortality were reported to have begun writing and rehearsing once more as of mid-2007, but no new material has surfaced to date.
Under the direction of Jan Edmondson, they rehearse once a week for two hours and perform at special events in the community.
They rehearse once a week after normal school hours, and work towards a better understanding and development of swing techniques.
They rehearse once a week after normal school hours.
Mr. Wayne said the winner would rehearse once with the band.
They rehearsed once and then Alexander Nygård became their guitarist.
At that time members of the band all had day jobs and rehearsed once or twice a week.
This band rehearses once a week every Tuesdays.
This group rehearses once a rotation during the school day and after school one day per week.