"The reality is we seldom question people's motivations because not many people seek rehabilitative services that don't need them," he said.
The program is also responsible for providing "rehabilitative" services to families who need them and for teaching the community.
Today, the Institute provides rehabilitative services to treat any short- and long-term condition or disability at:
Education is seen by many as the primary rehabilitative service that must be provided to detained youth.
The hospital provides rehabilitative services for patients with functional deficits as a result of debilitating illnesses, or injuries.
Community health components are curative, preventive, promotive & rehabilitative services.
Physical therapy and other rehabilitative services are available in Chiefland.
These funds could be used to provide high-quality rehabilitative services regardless of an individual's ability to pay.
Oklahoma City is still feeling the effects of the terrorist bombing, as rescue workers and others continue to need mental health and other rehabilitative services.
In one way, because it's a transient population, we link into local rehabilitative services.