Moody's is evaluating the likelihood that the company may receive adequate regulatory treatment to continue its credit recovery.
You don't want anyone getting a competitive advantage or disadvantage based on the regulatory treatment of the technology they are employing.
Both industries cloak their demands for favorable regulatory treatment in claims that their positions favor the public interests.
In the environment of convergent network, specific services with certain network technologies will receive different regulatory treatments.
Others were able to grow because of more friendly regulatory treatment in their states as interstate banking became possible.
The legislation mandates studies on the differences between the regulatory and tax treatment accorded credit unions and other federally insured financial institutions.
But the government regards that surgery as the conservative treatment - less regulatory and less likely to harm consumers or the industry than the alternatives.
She argued these differences justified different regulatory treatment.
"There's a lot of uncertainty about regulatory treatment, and in the face of all that uncertainty, it's difficult to make big financial commitments."
The public, in effect, becomes a major stockholder, a reward for decades of nurturing the nonprofit entity with special tax and regulatory treatment.