But buried among the regulatory rulings is something that should prove even more important to most customers in the long run.
In either case, the internal practices followed by the regulator need to provide legitimacy for regulatory rulings related to RE.
This is one of those regulatory rulings that sets liberalism back a generation.
It is currently awaiting an important regulatory ruling on charges for access to networks operated by established telephone companies.
This can be an amendment that is pushed, a regulatory ruling, a contract, or special attention from a Cabinet officer.
The changes would allow Mexican regulatory rulings on labor and environmental issues to be challenged in the Mexican courts.
The problem, some lawyers say, is that court decisions and regulatory rulings sometimes enable companies to say that they have no comment.
But the system began to unravel quickly because of court cases, regulatory rulings, Congress and ever more inventive politicians, interest groups and financiers.
"This is a pretty minor regulatory ruling."
A third rating agency, Fitch, issued a report the same day that said "there have not been any adverse regulatory rulings" in Illinois.