The banks' cooperation in tracking suspicious activity and filing reports is the most costly requirement of all of the regulatory mandates we face.
Years ago, when antitobacco ads were given that level of visibility on television and radio, thanks to regulatory mandate, underage smoking fell 3 percent.
"Its 400 regulatory mandates create an atmosphere of uncertainty in which innovators and job creators can't put their ideas and capital to work."
Mr. Johnson said abortion opponents would probably challenge the new regulatory mandate in the courts.
Within that political environment, coordination and cooperation with regulators, plus voluntary change without regulatory mandate, have become the new themes.
The law established the National Indian Gaming Commission and gave it a regulatory mandate.
Why not make this an annual accounting, they ask, giving the public a chance to second-guess regulatory mandates?
The regulatory mandate to build electric vehicles is also expected to force broad changes in design.
The manufacturers will also complain about having to sell cars in states with different regulatory mandates.
Instead of regulatory mandates, economists generally prefer a gasoline tax.