But no scrutiny was the effect, and such regulatory gaps have become part of doing business, numerous legal scholars and present and former regulators say.
Regulations passed in the United States and Europe after the 2008 credit crisis were intended to increase government oversight of hedge funds and eliminate certain regulatory gaps.
The piecemeal amendments have generated unintended outcomes including regulatory gaps, overlaps, inconsistencies and regulatory arbitrage.
But just as important, he said, would be making the city's safety course a more practical education - focusing on sidewalk cooking with limited equipment - and tightening regulatory gaps.
United States health officials are just now closing some of these regulatory gaps, documents posted on their Web sites say.
The executives pointed to widening regulatory gaps as the movement of money outpaced governments' ability to supervise the system.
There is a clear regulatory gap in this area and the directive as drafted by Parliament does not fill this gap adequately.
Finally, it does not allow us to fill the regulatory gaps concerning air freight and the handling of flights from third countries.
Current EU legislation does not cover the regulatory gap.
As the Commission and other commentators have persistently pointed out, there are many, many regulatory gaps in the Arctic.