Officials with the company placed blame for the project's troubles on regulatory delays and other financial burdens that have doubled its cost, to $850 million.
The Seabrook plant, which cost $6.1 billion to build, has faced years of regulatory delays and other problems.
The summer of 2005's energy bill offered a generous production tax credit, insurance against regulatory delays and loan guarantees.
If there are legal or regulatory delays, most analysts predict that they will last no more than a few months.
Proponents of the measure said it could reduce regulatory delays by up to 10 years.
The Westway project finally collapsed in 1986 because of legal, environmental and regulatory delays.
The area, he said, remains one of the last places to which people come to build their ideal house free from regulatory delay.
Those packages include loan guarantees, production tax credits and insurance against regulatory delays.
Various regulatory delays and controversies prevented the company from starting construction.
It is a history of legislative and regulatory delay that serves neither the public nor the food industry.