H.I.V. infection satisfies the statutory and regulatory definition of a physical impairment during every stage of the disease.
In some industry sectors, like insurance, "line of business" also has a regulatory and accounting definition to mean a statutory set of insurance policies.
But those claims have no specific regulatory definition, according to the FDA.
He said the ministry itself would not formally revise its lower estimate because that would involve a change in a regulatory definition.
That's because the regulatory definition of "soap" is different from the way in which people commonly use the word.
Biometric authentication also satisfies the regulatory definition of true multi-factor authentication.
A contentious issue was the regulatory definition of a truck.
The European Union will be first in the world to have a regulatory definition of engineered nanomaterials and a coherent and flexible approach to this technology.
The District Court, they ruled, did not err in their finding that the property falls within the Corps' regulatory definition of wetlands.
By bank regulatory definition non-performing loans consist of: