If Congress tired of imaginative accounting, it could issue regulations mandating that business and lower-level governments provide goods and services that might otherwise be financed through the budget.
The experts did express concern, however, about the growing number of buses that have been sold to private groups or individuals since a Federal regulation mandating stronger construction of school buses went into effect in 1977.
Because these checks take at least one day to clear, the Sept. 1, 1988, regulations mandating next-day availability of these instruments will expose the banks to serious losses.
Nigerien law mandates that the state provide for persons with physical and mental disabilities, but there are no specific regulations mandating accessibility to buildings, transportation, and communication for those with special needs.
These precepts cover a number of varying topics ranging from applicability of different types of laws to persons or territories, to regulations mandating that judges must hear all cases brought before them.
But, noting recent court rulings on drug testing, he said, "We are concerned that a Federal regulation mandating random testing might not withstand legal challenge."
BWMA gives detailed advice on how traders can circumvent regulations mandating metric weights and measures.
Car producers have complained that regulations mandating fuel efficiency allow Government interference in marketing operations of auto makers and do not take into account buying trends.
Road Safe America has been joined by the American Trucking Associations, insurance companies and numerous national carriers in petitioning the Department of Transportation for a regulation mandating the use of these speed limiters.
This huge increase was typical of the time, due to new regulations mandating increased safety precautions and more robust designs, after the Three Mile Island xenon release incident.