The Fair Employment and Housing Council, which replaces the separate Commission, exists within the Department, and promulgates regulations interpreting substantive rights under the FEHA.
Deals Could Be Dissolved The Exon-Florio provision has already been invoked in one hostile takeover situation even though regulations interpreting it have yet to be adopted.
But the regulation interpreting that law varies from state to state so that some states are misinterpreting the law to mean that all handicapped children have to be mainstreamed.
The Department of Health, Education and Welfare (H.E.W.) issued the first regulations interpreting the Rehabilitation Act in 1977.
The commission decides which discrimination cases will be prosecuted by the department, orders remedies where unlawful practices are found and promulgates regulations interpreting civil rights law.
At issue is the validity of a Federal regulation interpreting the Endangered Species Act to make it illegal for private property owners to degrade the habitat of an endangered species in a way that injures the animal.
Following the statutory change, LSC issued no new regulations interpreting the language, Congress called for no new interpretation, and LSC grantee practice did not change.
Some regulations interpreting the 1972 law have included water features such as intermittent streams, playa lakes, prairie potholes, sloughs and wetlands as "waters of the United States."
The regulations and court decisions interpreting the OSH Act provide that employees do not have an absolute right to "walk off the job" because of potential unsafe working conditions.
But that is not certain because the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Donna E. Shalala, has to write regulations interpreting the measure.