A third case questions how much states can regulate utilities without offending the Natural Gas Act.
But a Pennsylvania case has upset the system and set up a conflict on whether the states or the Federal Government should regulate utilities.
Regarded as "a pioneer of the conservation movement", Metcalf worked to protect the natural environment and regulate utilities.
Communications law also includes various state laws regulating public utilities, telecommunications, cable television, and wireless antennas.
Authorized to employ more than 400 employees, it regulates oil and gas drilling, utilities and telephone companies.
The staff of the state board that regulates utilities at first opposed the deal, saying it was not in the best economic interests of customers.
However, he did learn quite a bit about the Tennessee Public Service Commission, which regulated phone companies and other utilities.
The department oversees the natural resources and environment of the state, as well as regulating public utilities and energy policy.
Three years later, the company got further relief when it received its first rate increase from the commission that regulated public utilities in its area.
Their work shed light on strategies for explaining everything from stock market bubbles to regulating utilities and countless other economic activities.