"This kind of scandal also provides an opportunity to step back and say, 'Is there a better way to structure or regulate things?"'
Until now, arcane rules have made it difficult to change covenants, which also regulate things like fence height and porch projection.
You've got to start thinking about some kind of . . . system to regulate things.
So the municipal government, which regulates such things, has been enforcing historical accuracy wherever buildings are being repainted.
We need to regulate things in Kosovo and this means collecting taxes, or contributions, rather, to rebuild.
The EPA exists to regulate things, not to see the market do the job for it.
The decision gave Congress broad power to regulate things that are located in one state, like factories and employer-employee relationships.
We sometimes regulate things which could, by and large, remain subsidiary.
That is the wrong way of regulating things.
Thus the federal government did not have the power to regulate relatively unrelated things such as the possession of firearms near schools, as in Lopez.