In fact, The European Commission Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) found serious violations during inspections conducted in November and December 2010 of EU regulated plants in Mexico slaughtering horses for human consumption.
Most American horses destined for slaughter end up at EU regulated plants in Mexico and Canada.
It includes five dams and reservoirs, one federal hydro-electric power plant (two private, FERC regulated plants), and 22 tunnels and conduits covering roughly 87 miles.
(The Environmental Protection Agency regulates plants engineered to produce pesticides; the Food and Drug Administration does not require engineered products to go through an approval process, but is available for consultations.)
Four federal district court suits have been brought against Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the agency within USDA that regulates genetically modified plants.
Mr. Starostecki came to the Department of Energy from the staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which regulates civilian plants.
FortisBC owns four regulated hydro-electric generating plants on the Kootenay River with an aggregate capacity of 223 MW.
Other experts in the regulation of biotechnology products said today that Calgene's voluntary action raised new questions about the Government's ability to regulate genetically engineered plants.
Lamer further noted that internationally practices of regulating nuclear plants have included supervising employees.
The Department of Agriculture regulates genetically engineered plants, insects, animals and microbes it considers helpful or harmful to agriculture.