The Environmental Protection Agency has been almost powerless to regulate pesticides.
Programs to regulate unsafe pesticides and to clean up hazardous waste dumps have been marred by delays.
In a remarkable bipartisan effort, and after more than a decade of trying, House Democrats and Republicans have reached agreement on regulating pesticides in food.
State and county expenditures to regulate pesticides total more than $40 million annually in California, according to the report.
Provides information about regulating antimicrobial pesticides.
Most states have delegated broad authority to local governments to regulate pesticides, while others have chosen not to do so.
They're finally gonna regulate pesticides a little.
Is FDA responsible for regulating pesticides that are used in animal products?
Regulating Pesticides The study released last week detailed how the Government should regulate pesticides.
For decades regulating pesticides and other agricultural chemicals has been haphazard and fraught with guesswork.