In fish hox gene expression regulates mechanisms for teeth initiation.
In the developing of a new control system for the Bay Area Rapid Transit, Shlaer and Mellor sought to regulate mechanisms of software development and began to design new methods of project management.
These genes could influence successful aging by regulating cellular senescence, determining susceptibility to age-related cancers, or other mechanisms.
The structure and symbolic/ideational aspects act as regulating mechanisms within the system as a whole.
Towards this end, the Reserve Bank concentrated on regulating and developing mechanisms for institution building.
The autonomic system can be referred to as the involuntary component that regulates bodily organs and mechanisms, such as digestion and respiration.
One of the commissions is on Integrated Production (IP), a concept of sustainable agriculture based on the use of natural resources and regulating mechanisms to replace potentially polluting inputs.
Some examples of proteins' many roles include forming structural components like collagen and connective tissue, inducing muscle movement, regulating bodily mechanisms and transporting substances about the body.
The biomineralisation of the magnetite requires regulating mechanisms to control the concentration of iron, the crystal nucleation, the redox potential and the pH.
A farming system that produces high quality food and other products by using natural resources and regulating mechanisms to replace polluting inputs and to secure sustainable farming.