Institutions lay down the groundwork, forming the norms and rules that regulate interactions between actors within the network, essentially forming various segments in society.
Muhammad addressed this by establishing the Constitution of Medina: a document which regulated interactions between the different factions, to which the respective parties agreed.
RS domains regulate protein-protein interactions of SR proteins.
This resulted in the establishment of the state, a sovereign entity like the individuals now under its rule used to be, which would create laws to regulate social interactions.
Specifically, the Torah regulates interactions between persons and their fellow, the latter understood as a fellow Jew.
NO regulates interactions between granule cells and glia and is essential for protecting the granule cells from damage.
This analysis suggests a hierarchical network where a small number of highly connected genes (called "hubs") regulated most interactions.
Laws regulate interactions between humans.
Nebulin has also been shown to regulate actin-myosin interactions by inhibiting ATPase activity in a calcium-calmodulin sensitive manner.
It also regulates epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during the formation of the mammary glands.