Within its EEZ, a nation may regulate fisheries and scientific research and develop other economic efforts.
However, I come from an agency where enforcement was a high priority, and, as general counsel of that agency, we regulated fisheries within 200 miles of the coast.
Also, major hydroelectric developments trigger federal environmental assessment processes, as the Government of Canada has the power to regulate waterways and fisheries.
Over time, however, New Zealand law began to regulate commercial fisheries, so that Māori control was substantially eroded.
Injunctions were issued allowing the state to regulate tribal fisheries, and the Washington State Supreme Court upheld them.
Norway established a fisheries protection area surrounding Svalbard on 15 June 1977, which strictly regulates fisheries, but on a non-discriminatory basis.
They were given powers to regulate fisheries and took over the duties of flood prevention on main rivers from local authorities.
The federal power to regulate fisheries does not override the provincial authority to require a permit for catching the fish within the waters under provincial control.
If conservation of stocks is to be achieved, we must regulate deep-sea fisheries under a regime based on effort limitation.
International agreements are required in order to regulate fisheries in international waters.