Part B permits regulate emissions to air (including odour) from specified activities.
She said the trading system could replace five separate enforcement programs that regulate emissions on a plant-by-plant basis.
President Bush's decision not to regulate emissions of carbon dioxide, the main global warming gas, does more than betray a campaign promise.
Four years ago, California became the first state to seek to regulate emissions of carbon dioxide from automobile tailpipes.
It may have happened already: President Bush dropped his support for regulating emissions of carbon dioxide because that could increase energy prices.
In 2005, the Air District began to regulate emissions from refinery flares.
In California, the suit is also seen as an effort to stave off challenges to the state's plan to regulate automotive emissions of greenhouse gases.
One was to regulate emissions of carbon dioxide, the main global warming gas.
But the advocates for energy independence want to do more than just regulate emissions.
There are alternatives, of course, like regulating emissions directly.