Companies like Guidant, for example, are selling ever more sophisticated heart regulating devices.
That should focus needed attention on a subject that often seems secondary in an agency straining to regulate drugs and medical devices.
With this knowledge he created many different heating systems, refrigeration methods, temperature regulating devices, and vacuum pumps.
FDA regulates medical devices and medicines used to control diabetes.
In 1976, Congress gave the Food and Drug Administration the authority to regulate such devices, but exempted from scrutiny those already on the market.
Under the government's approach to regulating medical devices, honest mistakes are expected and not necessarily penalized.
In 1976 the agency was directed to regulate medical devices, but it is only now beginning to study implants.
FDA regulates medical devices and medicines used to improve heart health.
EPA also has a role in regulating devices used to control pests.
St. Jude executives said the deals would allow them to offer a complete line of heart rhythm regulating devices.