Shook also testified regularly before the United States Congress on issues of importance to flight attendants.
Claussen regularly testifies before the United States Congress and meets with other key stakeholders to share ideas for addressing climate change.
We testify regularly (more than 1,200 times in 1992) about the substance of our work, the details of our activities and the expenditure of every dollar.
George Sternleib, a professor of political science, testifies regularly before Congressional committees on housing and urban affairs.
Its researchers regularly testify before Congress.
In 1978, Congress began requiring Federal Reserve chairmen to testify regularly on monetary policy.
Holekamp actively advised the new bureau, and continued to regularly testify for the state on matters of apiculture.
In fact, Mr. Greenspan is required to testify regularly before Congress about policies to meet that target.
He regularly testifies before Congress on issues facing the veterans' community and writes regularly for national websites and publications.
He also regularly testifies in parliamentary hearings.