Palestinian metalworking shops and other business facilities suspected by Israel of being used to manufacture weapons are regularly targeted by airstrikes, as well as Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels.
During the conflict Bawnmore was regularly targeted by loyalist paramilitaries and as such it was heavily fortified and cut off from the rest of the road.
The Government-controlled mountain track out of the city is regularly targeted by the Serbs.
They are regularly targeted in both South Texas, where they are known as "Rio Grande Perch" and Northern Mexico, where they are known as "Mojarra de Norte.
Crappies are also regularly targeted and caught during the spawning period by fly fishermen, and can be taken from frozen ponds and lakes in winter by ice fishing.
During the 2012 gubernatorial race, he was targeted regularly by ultra-conservatives and supporters of the opposing candidates for being a non-Muslim.
As one of Britain's first black footballers, Best was regularly targeted with racist chanting from the terraces, including his own fans, but eventually became a fan favourite at Upton Park.
Visitors to large cities should be aware that parked cars are regularly targeted for opportunistic smash-and-grab thefts, and they are cautioned to avoid leaving any possessions unattended in a vehicle, even in the trunk.
Religious and government sites are regularly targeted by hackers in order to display political or religious beliefs, whilst defacing the views and beliefs of others.
As of 2010, the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives is targeted regularly by vandals.