Regularly scheduled crabbing trips at $55 a person for a half day.
Since then tours have been regularly scheduled throughout each summer.
They said dividend policies would be discussed, as usual, at a regularly scheduled September board meeting.
Work parties are regularly scheduled; last year members put in 6,824 hours to maintain the trail.
Monday is usually a day off for the show, and last night's special performance meant that tonight's regularly scheduled one was canceled.
Having regularly scheduled therapy three times a week is just too much for me.
"Since these evening practices are now regularly scheduled, does it mean I can use the hook?"
The rate move, the papers note, was the first one to come without a regularly scheduled Fed meeting in more than four years.
But he could not explain why the board held a special session Monday, just a month before directors were regularly scheduled to meet.
Both have regularly scheduled service to major cities in Texas and nationwide.