Many of Edwards's works have been regularly reprinted.
His work is regularly reprinted by itself as well as along with Barks stories for which he created a sequel.
These tables were regularly reprinted until 1965, when computers rendered them obsolete.
The book, later called Struwwelpeter after one of its anti-heroes, became popular with the public and had to be reprinted regularly; many foreign translations followed.
It became a bestseller and is regularly reprinted.
Both of these editions are reprinted regularly, which devalues the originals.
It was reprinted regularly in the following decades, often paired with a poem in praise of sensibility.
McEwan's own earliest work is regularly reprinted and therefore, potentially, changeable.
It is regularly reprinted online and in major publications, such as the Jerusalem Post.
Töpffer comics were reprinted regularly until the late 1870s, which gave American artists the idea to produce similar works.