He was regularly recognized by a broad range of art critics as one of the most significant heirs to the Barbizon school tradition.
The Microschemobrycon are having new species being described every few months or so, and being recognized regularly.
He writes and speaks frequently on these subjects, and is regularly recognized as a global leader in these fields.
He is regularly recognized for his expertise in the culture and folklore of northern New Mexico.
The book discusses the fact that while the engineering achievements are regularly recognized, the engineers themselves are rarely discussed.
Despite the excitement of the 1935-36 sports season in Detroit, Champions Day was not regularly recognized after the first event.
With an estimated net worth of over $10 million, Utendahl was regularly recognized for his quick thinking and charm.
The Chamber Choir has been regularly recognized as one of the top groups on the East Coast for many years.
Eze Castle Integration is regularly recognized as a best places to work.
He was regularly recognized for his ability to build a team, not simply collecting individual talent, helping to make the Patriots a "model franchise."