In addition, academic studies were beginning to be published that showed value stocks regularly outperformed the market.
Given its excellent optical qualities, the telescope has been used primarily for imaging and photometric work, in which it regularly outperforms much larger telescopes located elsewhere.
Muslim schools regularly outperform those of other faiths.
And, you probably won't be surprised to hear this, the highest-ranked stocks regularly outperform the lowest-ranked ones.
The show regularly outperformed CNN's Larry King Live, and made the channel competitive in the program's time slot for the first time in over a decade.
Many people are surprised to learn that mail-order computers regularly outperform the more expensive models from "big name" companies.
They may also want funds that regularly outperform their indexes, an indication that managers may be responding immediately to announcements of index changes.
Yet so are the results of schools in Tower Hamlets, the poorest borough in the country, which now regularly outperforms the national average - and has no academies.
But the Xircom Pocket Ethernet regularly outperforms its competitors in tests.
Students regularly outperform their peers on standardized tests.