Salmon regularly migrate thousands of miles to and from their breeding grounds.
Emus regularly migrate after their breeding season, heading to the coast from the inland regions.
Because of human action and habitat encroachment, several animals that are native to South Florida-or birds that regularly migrate to the Everglades-are threatened or endangered.
Irish people have been the largest minority group in Britain for centuries, regularly migrating across the Irish Sea.
Indeed, some of our dragonflies regularly migrate across the North Sea.
If possible it should be planned that users will not have to migrate regularly between the two classes of OS.
Among the large number of migratory water fowl, the Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus) regularly migrates to this habitat during its annual journey.
For more months I wandered in regions where the Ouster Swarms regularly migrated.
Others migrated regularly between the two regions.
There is no industry and the young generations regularly migrate away to jobs in larger cities.