Most of the 20 million people who regularly listen to Internet radio use a desktop, laptop or hand-held computer.
Pew researchers found in 2004 that 17% of the public regularly listens to talk radio.
Among those who regularly listen to talk radio, 41% are Republican and 28% are Democrats.
She kept a recording of Max's voice on her phone which she regularly listened to.
More than 25 million children listened to her regularly.
Almost half of all Americans listen to talk radio fairly often, the survey said, with one in six listening regularly.
Community leaders and politicians listened regularly, according to a Dallas magazine report.
Every Pakistani having radio would listen to it regularly.
It has claimed that around 2.5 million people listen to it regularly.
"Moderate consumers," defined as those who said they read a daily paper or listened to the news regularly, make up another 41 percent.