A male voice-over said "We interrupt regularly scheduled programming for an important announcement."
Edgar added the dramatic twist that events were being regularly interrupted by the students to question the professor's version of events.
The shallow-bottom tour boats often pull within 20 yards of the birds, regularly interrupting their feeding activities.
During maintenance, a 60km/h speed limit applies and normal radio broadcast is regularly interrupted by announcements.
And games are regularly interrupted for coaching.
They'd spoken a few times since she switched to alpha, regularly interrupting each other and throwing ideas back and forth.
The station broadcast speeches by opposition officials and occasionally managed to interrupt regularly scheduled shows on Panamanian stations.
United States officials say the current airlift to Sarajevo, which is regularly interrupted by shelling, will be insufficient in the long term.
Music will regularly interrupt the discussion.
Classes, which include tai chi in the afternoons, are regularly interrupted by foot traffic to bathrooms and deliveries to the cafeteria.