Prices 20 to 50 percent below those in other stores are regularly advertised.
Throughout most of its history, Butlins has regularly advertised using various media.
Say, for example, the broker had agreed to regularly advertise the house and those advertisements never appear.
Bell Atlantic not only sends me press releases but they also advertise regularly.
Yet another source are the co-op auctions, also regularly advertised in the newspapers.
North Shore regularly advertises that by adopting a pet from them, you can get a free watch or some other piece of merchandise.
In organizations and government departments who regularly advertise, someone will be appointed to be responsible for the advertising.
For frequency, it's much better to advertise regularly in small spaces than it is to have a one-time expensive advertising extravaganza.
For a time, the camera was also regularly advertised for sale in various periodicals through mail order vendors.
The ads are also planned for other magazines in which HeadBlade regularly advertises.