The Spartans had finished first in the regular-season standings too.
Both schools, along with Holy Cross and Navy, have a shot to tie for first place in the regular-season standing.
The Devils finished 18 points ahead of the Rangers in the regular-season standing.
Last season, the team finished second in the regular-season standings with a mark of 16-5-1.
They had finished a distant second in the regular-season standing after Maine, which won 31 of 39 games.
The top four teams in the regular-season standings received byes.
Since the playoff would count in the regular-season standing, the loser would have one more loss than the Mets.
We stormed to the top of the regular-season standings as if we were rolling downhill.
Most leagues determine their champions solely by regular-season standings.
The games will not count in the regular-season standing.