This works out to $569 or $639 per user for three years, whereas the cheapest plan under a regular three-year subscription is $720 per user.
But it was unclear whether such concerts would lead to more regular subscriptions.
Most hospitals in the provinces relied on donations or regular subscriptions to keep going.
Daily Telegraph readers can enjoy a 25 per cent discount on the regular annual subscription.
The main one is that investors who wish to make regular subscriptions for a period of years will need only to complete one initial application form.
"In addition to our regular subscription, if we can identify a group of people who have an affinity for just three of the plays, we will."
Both online and regular subscriptions are $12 a year.
Applications would be only for new entrants, with no renewals rather a regular subscription, and a revocation and suspension process would remain in place, he said.
A regular subscription initially cost ten cents per issue or one dollar a year; the deluxe edition cost five times as much.
By 1980, costs made the hardcover version prohibitive for a regular subscription.