"The children will study all the regular subjects, plus we'll teach Braille, assistive computer technology and independent living skills."
In home education this can be instead of or in addition to regular subjects like doing math or English.
In addition to the regular subjects there are also a couple of special subjects.
Samson has been a regular subject of media controversies.
All students take it, along with regular subjects.
At that time, their involvement made him a regular subject of tabloid gossip, a role to which he was accustomed following his previous relationship.
Although the children study the regular academic subjects, they are also set free to explore and to excel in areas of their special intelligence.
Support for the local aircraft industry became a regular subject for him to raise.
They became immensely popular, and were a regular subject of recitation, then a common pastime.
The system is a regular subject of conversation, she said, and a way to hit on people.