We could never launch in this with a regular sequence.
The families, genera, and species were arranged in regular sequence so that any particular one could immediately be found.
As a result, a regular double sequence or four-of-a-kind is too weak to defeat it, like any single 2.
However, if two 2s are played, then a regular double sequence or four-of-a-kind is not strong enough to beat it.
Across the region, there is a regular sequence of soil and vegetation zones.
Rather than four long ice ages, they found a large number of shorter ones in a regular sequence.
They've found that different species arrive at a body in regular sequence, then each goes through its life cycle just as predictably.
It is a colored band, separated by dark spaces on the two sides and arranged in a regular sequence.
The maximal length of a regular sequence in A.
The difference between n and the maximal length of the regular sequences contained in I.