As it is, thanks to those discounts, few regular riders pay the full $1.50.
The regular riders stared at the bustle, asked questions and got on their trains.
About two-thirds of the regular riders who use the bus to get to work earn less than $35,000 a year, county officials said.
And more than a few regular No. 7 riders are already wishing for it to go away.
Her opinion was shared by about a dozen other regular No. 7 riders interviewed yesterday.
Not only that, but Bailey wasn't even the regular rider on two of the three horses.
Nevertheless, some regular riders are not impressed with the new vessels.
Our young friend here has consented to ride in the regular rider's place.
Women have signed up, thanks to the Internet, but so far, there are no regular female riders.
The return of the regular riders did not have an immediate impact on business at the track.