The regular raids by German personnel hunting for radios further alienated the occupied civilian populations.
Little is attributable to the 8th and 9th centuries, due to the regular Viking raids.
Other colonists came to the area despite regular Indian raids.
Crack dealers, who had taken over the basement, prompted regular raids by the police.
From the Ming chronicles, it is known that the Oirats conducted regular raids on those areas.
Police conduct regular raids to recover stolen or pirated merchandise, but this has failed to put an end to the illegal activity in the market.
Saudi security forces have staged regular raids on safe houses and farms all over the kingdom.
Moreover, regular raids by US special forces have decimated the upper and middle ranks of the insurgents.
The Canim reside across the ocean to the west, staging regular, bloody raids on coastal settlements.
The army has mounted regular raids into the Gaza Strip in recent weeks.