Even if you're working it can be a challenge, but at least you get the opportunity to meet people and have regular interaction in the office.
Effective transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires extensive personal contact, regular interaction and trust.
These are people that may be one's friends or family in real life, with whom one has regular interaction either on-line or off-line.
The regular interaction among members keeps your needs in motion.
Opportunities for regular interaction is important for the development of attachment.
Empirical literature shows that children need regular interaction with attachment figures in order to maintain relationships.
Therefore in terms of separation due to divorce it is important to maintain regular interaction between child and both parents.
When in the children's best interest, regular, positive interaction between incarcerated parents and their children helps smooth the transition path.
According to one contemporary viewpoint, all human beings need a certain minimum quantity of regular, satisfying, social interactions.
The library center provides these children with regular and active interactions with print.