It is often worn by sappers, snipers, and sometimes regular infantry.
In the last stage of the assault, regular infantry would mop up any remaining Allied resistance.
But the Légion étrangère service color is green instead of red (regular infantry).
Three thousand regular infantry, meaning they had been organized into companies and given a modicum of drill.
In the late 15th century the Ottoman empire used firearms as part of its regular infantry.
Arditi had to hold the positions they conquered for 24 hours and then would be replaced by the regular infantry.
Snipers, due to the nature of their mission, used highly irregular gear compared to regular infantry.
He established at great expense a corps of musketeers, Moscow's first regular infantry.
When the boy saw that the uniform was not quite the same as the regular infantry he had stood up, eyeing the stranger more closely.
The next day, Croghan's troops (three companies of regular infantry) landed and attacked.