Explain that Obama is creating another business opportunity for his pals at the expense of regular families.
Maybe there are some regular family shows in the pile.
The Pitts seem like a regular down-to-earth family but unfortunately not a day goes by without them having some sort of bad luck.
The other day at his home he added, "I feel like a regular family, but we've been through a lot."
In addition to his regular family, Kyle has a cousin who shares the same name with him.
I think that your regular family is conservative, but dreams of being big spenders and taking risks.
A regular family and a regular life would bore you to tears.
"The extent of the damage was too much for a regular family to take on," she said, "but I knew developers would see the possibilities."
"Some things are hard enough to deal with in a regular family, but the pressure gets increased in a stepfamily."
"He called me his sister-in-law and treated us like we were regular family."