Mr. Lunney added, however, that the shuttles might play a backup role to regular deployments by rockets.
Molala spent the next seven years making regular deployments to northern and western Pacific waters.
During 1957 and 1958, Pickaway made regular deployments to WestPac.
For the next eight years, the oiler continued to serve in waters surrounding Vietnam during her regular deployments to the Far East.
Her only activities comprised regular deployments on station at Largs Bay.
The regular deployments of the Cold War are now a thing of the past.
Then came the wife, then the kids, then the regular deployments and the advanced training, and now he knew it was just a job.
The detachment/squadron team functioned in the same manner as that of its active duty counterparts minus the regular overseas deployments.
She remained thus employed, with regular deployments to WestPac through 1969.
VF-211 would make regular deployments to the Persian Gulf in the 1990s.