Between 1881 and 1892 he wrote numerous articles for the Quarterly Review, including its regular political article.
Between 1895 and 1898 he published regular articles in the Studio.
As well as main features covering professional and amateur research, regular articles include.
It had regular special articles in each edition which were considered definitive in their writing and approach.
An online peer-reviewed journal that includes regular Arthurian articles; see especially the first issue.
Golf Club Management supplements coverage of the industry with regular articles from experts in the field.
Columnists are journalists who write regular articles recounting their personal opinions and experiences.
In addition to regular articles, a large section of the journal is devoted to book reviews.
The publication ran regular articles in support of women's suffrage, and she was well known among suffragettes.
It's not real news, and has no real value in contrast to a regular article.