I regret causing you discomfort, but I must.
Five days after the blast the IRA issued a statement in which it claimed responsibility, but regretted causing injury to civilians.
I regret causing you distress.
The studio said it regretted causing offense and has abandoned plans to use the revised poster in other countries.
Four days after the blast, the Provisional Irish Republican Army issued a statement in which it claimed responsibility, but regretted causing injury to civilians.
She knew he was concerned for her, and she regretted causing him to feel so.
He also stated "I deeply regret causing pain and offense with a handful of juvenile and tasteless postings" on two websites.
Mr President, I regret causing some slight complications as regards the order of business of the plenary.
Samuelsson said the contact was accidental and that he regretted causing the injury.
I shall regret causing death and misery to Muad'dib, he told himself.