Mr. Shapiro said the figures added to the center's "concerns over the increasingly regressive effects" of the reduced tax rates on capital.
It can have a regressive effect.
The car-tax repeal remains quite popular despite its clearly regressive effect.
He claimed social support systems designed to help the disadvantaged had a regressive effect.
IRL claim that in the rush to introduce revenue raising measures the regressive effects of a carbon tax will not be adequately offset.
Combined with the mortgage interest deduction and the regressive effects of state taxation, it produces closer to a flat-tax effect.
Others, including E. P. Thompson, claim that Methodism, though a small movement, had a politically regressive effect on efforts for reform.
The corporation calls for unspecified measures to ease the impact of reassessment policies on the low-income rentals and "mitigate the regressive effect of water metering on poorer communities."
It wanted to put the burden of environmental protection on companies and it opposed direct eco-taxes, which would have a regressive effect.
The law had neither the revolutionary nor the regressive effect its critics all along the political spectrum predicted.