Hempstead was 1 of 11 schools that were added to the list, known as schools under registration review, which the state released on Tuesday.
They were then exempted from the list of "schools under registration review" and the Chancellor's minimum standards.
The lowest performing schools are categorized as under registration review, and they risk losing state registration.
Five of the eight schools were on a state list of "schools under registration review," which are threatened with closing if they do not improve.
Since the 1997-1998 school year, 38 city schools under registration review have been closed or are being closed.
Once a school is listed as under registration review, its leaders must come up with a plan for improvement.
State officials said it was unclear what effect the new regulations would have on the schools identified for registration review, which began in 1989.
In New York City, that means the 99 "schools under registration review," which have been designated by the state as failing.
But the school scored above other "schools under registration review," as those on the state roster are officially called; they registered an average of 16 percent.
Those are the roughly 1 in 10 that are designated by the Education Department as being under registration review.